In 1950s Mexico City, William Lee, an almost fifty-year-old American expatriate, lives a solitary and isolated existence amidst a small community of fellow countrymen. Despite being surrounded by other Americans, William leads a routine life, without forming deep connections with others. The city, vibrant and bustling, seems distant to him, and his life passes by without major changes or emotions that might disrupt his tranquility.
Everything changes with the arrival of Eugene Allerton, a young student who, by circumstances only fate can explain, crosses paths with William. Eugene is different, and his presence in the city awakens something in William—a need that had been dormant but never satisfied. The arrival of this young man, full of energy, dreams, and aspirations, acts as a catalyst for William, who begins to reassess his life and his relationships.
The connection between the two characters slowly develops. Though at first William remains reserved and distant, Eugene's youth and vitality manage to open a door within him, allowing him to explore new emotions and forms of interaction. Through their conversations and shared experiences, William begins to realize that, even though he has lived many years in solitude, it is never too late to form meaningful bonds and step outside his comfort zone.
Director: Aldo Verde, Alessandra Fortuna, Beatrice Marcone, Daniel Bedusa, Edoardo di Lauro, Frankie Ferrari, Greta Silvestri, Kim H. Winther, Luca Guadagnino, Paola Capellini, Samuel Scott, Sara Fathi
Cast: Amir Antonio Samande Chavez, Andra Ursuta, Andrea Montserrat Rios Hernandez, Andrés Duprat, Ariel Schulman, Claudio Cardenas, Colin Bates, Daan de Wit, Daniel Craig, David Lowery, Drew Droege, Drew Starkey