Sonic the Hedgehog 3
In the world of Sonic the Hedgehog, where speed, strength, and intelligence come together to face the greatest challenges, a new and surprising threat tests the abilities of the most well-known heroes in the universe. Sonic, the fast blue hedgehog, Knuckles, the strong and brave echidna, and Tails, the clever flying fox, are forced to combine their strengths to confront an adversary much more powerful and mysterious than they ever imagined: Shadow.
Shadow is an enigma in itself. His dark presence and cold attitude make him a villain unlike any threat the heroes have faced before. Unlike other enemies, Shadow not only possesses impressive physical abilities but also has an unknown power that puts even the strongest in danger. His speed rivals that of Sonic, his strength matches Knuckles', and his intelligence seems to equal Tails', making him an extremely dangerous foe. Furthermore, Shadow has abilities that defy logic, such as his power to manipulate energy and chaos at will, making him a multifaceted threat.
In the face of this unprecedented menace, Team Sonic has no choice but to join forces on a mission that will take them beyond anything they have experienced before. What begins as a direct confrontation quickly transforms into the need to form an unlikely alliance. To defeat Shadow, they must not only rely on their individual skills but also learn to work together more effectively than ever. Throughout their adventure, Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails will have to face their own fears and limitations, while discovering that to stop such a formidable enemy, unity and cooperation are their most powerful weapons.
The fate of the planet is at stake, and the pressure falls on the shoulders of this team of heroes, who are forced for the first time to face such a complex threat. Will they be able to overcome their differences and form a solid alliance to stop Shadow before it’s too late? The answer to this question will determine not only their future but also that of everyone who inhabits their world. With an enemy as powerful and mysterious as Shadow, the adventure becomes more dangerous than ever.
Director: Jeff Fowler, Joey Coughlin, Peter Lyons Collister
Genre: Action, Comedy, Family, Science Fiction
Cast: Adam Pally, Alyla Browne, Barry Calvert, Ben Schwartz, Bola Okun, Brendan Murphy, Brett Tutor, Colleen O'Shaughnessey, Cristo Fernández, Idris Elba, James Marsden, James Wolk