In the dark and chaotic final days of World War II, both German soldiers and civilians are desperate to survive. A military medical team, caught behind enemy lines, finds itself in a deadly race against time as they are relentlessly pursued by a ruthless killer intent on wiping them out. With the war nearing its end, the group is trapped in a dangerous and unforgiving environment, where survival depends on quick thinking, resourcefulness, and the ability to trust in a world that has lost all semblance of order. As they evade capture, the team must navigate the brutal realities of war and confront the terrifying presence hunting them down, all while facing the crumbling of their own moral boundaries. The line between friend and foe becomes increasingly blurred, and the group's fight to survive forces them to question what they are willing to sacrifice in order to stay alive.
Director: J. Christian Ingvordsen, Matthew M. Howe
Cast: Braxton Sohns, David Covell, John Christian, Laura E. Wood, Maggie Adams McDowell, Paul Darren Varricchio, Sarah Hawthorne, Sophie Hewitt, Violet Savage