A tense and gripping thriller unfolds as a war veteran, struggling with severe PTSD, finds himself in a life-or-death situation on the iconic Tobin Memorial Bridge in Boston. Returning home after his service, this veteran, haunted by the scars of war, is thrust into a nightmarish scenario when a heavily armed group of ex-military revolutionaries takes control of the bridge, holding everyone hostage. Alongside him is his teenage sister, and together, they must navigate this high-stakes crisis while confronting their own personal demons.
The situation escalates quickly as the revolutionary group, highly trained and ruthless, begins to make demands that shake the very core of the city. Their reasons for taking such drastic measures remain unclear at first, but it becomes evident that their motivations are deeply rooted in political beliefs and a desire to make a powerful statement. As the tension mounts, the hostages are left with little hope for a peaceful resolution.
What sets this story apart is the dynamic between the war veteran and his sister. Struggling with the invisible scars of war, the veteran is forced to confront his PTSD in real-time while trying to protect his younger sibling. His emotional journey becomes intertwined with the fight for survival, creating a heart-pounding narrative that explores the psychological and physical toll of war, and the lengths a person will go to for those they love.
As the standoff intensifies, the bond between brother and sister becomes the emotional anchor of the story. The veteran’s inner battle with his trauma plays a crucial role in his decision-making, highlighting the complexities of living with PTSD while facing a life-threatening crisis. With each passing moment, the stakes grow higher, and the audience is left on the edge of their seats, wondering who will emerge alive from this harrowing ordeal.
This action-packed thriller not only offers suspense and danger but also delves into the emotional aftermath of war, the impact of trauma, and the courage required to survive in the most extreme circumstances.
Director: Patrick Lussier
Cast: Ashley Pynn, Daniel Rios Jr., Derek K. Moore, Dichen Lachman, Dylan Sprouse, Jared Frenke, Jason A. Martinez, Kevin Chapman, Mark Irvingsen, Mark Pettograsso, Mark Steven Dancewicz, Mason Gooding