John Bennett, a man whose childhood dream of bringing his teddy bear to life became a reality, now faces an unexpected dilemma. In his younger years, John wished for his beloved teddy bear, Ted, to come to life, and to his astonishment, his wish was granted. Growing up, John and Ted formed an inseparable bond, with Ted becoming his best friend and constant companion. However, as John enters adulthood, he begins to realize that his relationship with Ted, while filled with laughter and carefree adventures, might be preventing him from moving forward in his personal life.
John has recently started a relationship with Lori, a woman who is everything he’s ever wanted in a partner. Lori is supportive, loving, and caring, but she’s increasingly frustrated by the constant presence of Ted in John’s life. While Ted's antics may be amusing at first, Lori begins to feel that John’s attachment to his animated teddy bear is hindering his ability to fully invest in their relationship. The tension between the two becomes more pronounced, with Lori asking John to choose between her and Ted.
John, torn between the two most important relationships in his life, must now make a difficult decision. On one hand, he has a long history with Ted, and the bear has always been there for him, offering comfort and companionship. On the other hand, Lori represents the opportunity for real intimacy and growth as an adult. The decision is not easy, and John struggles with the idea of losing either one of them.
The situation forces John to confront deeper questions about his own maturity, his capacity for change, and what truly matters in his life. In the end, the story explores themes of personal growth, the challenges of transitioning from childhood to adulthood, and the sacrifices that come with relationships. John’s decision will not only define his future with Lori and Ted, but also shape his own sense of self and the life he chooses to live.
Director: Eric Heffron, Richard Oswald, Scott Rogers, Seth MacFarlane
Cast: Aedin Mincks, Alex Borstein, Alexandra Creteau, Bill Smitrovich, Bretton Manley, Cassie Djerf, Chanty Sok, Chris Cox, Chris Everett, Colton Shires, Danny Smith, Emmalyn Anderson