Amid one of the most pivotal moments in human history, the 1969 Moon landing, an ordinary man working in a NASA warehouse embarks on a quirky and personal journey to create the world’s first urinal net. This invention, though seemingly small and insignificant in the grand scope of space exploration, becomes a testament to human ingenuity and the drive to improve everyday life. Set against the backdrop of one of mankind’s greatest achievements, this story highlights how even the most modest of ideas can lead to meaningful progress.
The protagonist, a warehouse worker at NASA, is not involved in the space program directly. Instead, he spends his days organizing materials and supplies for the engineers and astronauts. While the excitement of the Apollo 11 mission unfolds around him, he becomes fixated on a problem that most people might overlook: the inefficient and unsanitary condition of public urinals. Inspired by this challenge, he channels his energy into developing a solution that would improve the cleanliness and hygiene of public restrooms.
His invention, the urinal net, is a simple yet ingenious creation designed to capture and contain debris and waste in a more hygienic manner. Though the idea seems trivial, it reflects the broader theme of innovation that underpins the era of space exploration. The Moon landing may have been about reaching new frontiers in space, but it also served as a reminder that progress isn’t limited to just monumental achievements—it extends to even the smallest aspects of life, such as sanitation.
The story of this humble inventor provides a unique perspective on history, illustrating that while the world’s attention was focused on outer space, many individuals were focused on improving life right here on Earth. It’s a reminder that innovation often comes from unexpected places and that even the most ordinary people can contribute to making the world a better place in their own way.
Director: Dino Julius, Luka Hrgović
Cast: Alan Hay, David Gilliam, Ivica Pustički, Kent Goldfinch, Luka Alagić, Matthew Simpson, Sam Rintoul, Tesa Litvan, Timothy Nixon, Zachary Prusak