Years after an alien invasion nearly wiped out humanity, three soldiers emerge as the last hope for the planet's survival. The invasion, led by a relentless alien force known as the Sentinels, left Earth in ruins, with most of the human population either annihilated or enslaved. However, a small group of survivors has managed to endure, hiding in the shadows and scattered across the devastated planet. These survivors have clung to life, hoping for a chance to reclaim their world, but they have been held captive by the overwhelming power of the Sentinels and their mechanical army.
The story follows three elite soldiers, each of whom managed to survive the initial onslaught of the alien invasion while stationed on a secret moon base. Secluded from the destruction that ravaged Earth, these soldiers have been in a constant state of readiness, waiting for a moment when they could return and fight back. Now, that moment has arrived. With Earth still under the iron grip of the Sentinels, the soldiers are dispatched on a high-risk mission to liberate the survivors and take back the planet.
Their mission is clear: break the Sentinels’ hold on Earth, destroy the alien forces, and free the remaining humans from the oppression they’ve lived under for so long. But the task is far from simple. The Sentinels are a formidable enemy, and their army is vast, well-equipped, and relentlessly pursuing the last remnants of humanity. The soldiers must navigate a world where their every move is watched, encountering both hostile alien forces and desperate human survivors with their own agendas.
The soldiers' journey is one of sacrifice, courage, and unyielding determination. They will stop at nothing to reclaim their home, facing overwhelming odds, dangers, and moral dilemmas along the way. In the battle to save Earth, they must confront not only the alien invaders but the very nature of humanity itself. Will they succeed in their mission, or will the Sentinels' reign continue unchecked? Only time will tell, but the fate of Earth rests in their hands.
Director: Stefano Milla
Genre: Action, Science Fiction
Cast: Denitza Diakovska, Ellie Patrikios, Ivan King, Jason R. Moore, John Stewart Arnold, Marcus Nel-Jamal Hamm, Mia de Vil, Michael Paré, Neil Cole, Paolo Mazzini