Set in the year 2073, New San Francisco immerses viewers in a dystopian future where technology, surveillance, and authoritarian rule dominate every aspect of life. Inspired by Chris Marker's landmark 1962 short film La Jetée, this thought-provoking narrative unfolds in a time when democracy and personal freedom have been all but erased. The film takes place in a bleak, high-tech world where a brutal police state reigns supreme over the population, imposing rigid control on individuals' movements, thoughts, and desires.
The film's central setting is a cityscape of ruins and futuristic infrastructure. New San Francisco, once a thriving metropolis, now stands as a stark example of how unchecked technological advancement can contribute to the erosion of civil liberties. The landscape is dominated by towering, sterile buildings, glowing screens, and an overwhelming surveillance system that watches over every citizen. Life in this world is dehumanized, and the remnants of the democratic society that once existed are barely discernible.
In this harsh environment, citizens are continually subjected to the forces of control. The power structure is deeply ingrained, with a tech-driven elite maintaining dominance over a populace kept in check by both physical and digital means. Personal freedoms are obliterated, leaving individuals trapped in a cycle of surveillance and oppression. The world of New San Francisco is a chilling portrayal of a future in which technology is used not to liberate, but to subjugate.
Amid this grim reality, the story follows a protagonist navigating this suffocating society. Through their eyes, we experience the crushing weight of a world where personal autonomy is no longer a given, and survival is the only hope. The film’s striking visuals, reminiscent of La Jetée’s iconic still photography, capture the haunting atmosphere of a future that feels unnervingly close. New San Francisco is a poignant exploration of the dangers of technological overreach and the fragility of human freedom in the face of overwhelming power.
Director: Asif Kapadia
Genre: Documentary, Science Fiction, Thriller
Cast: Hector Hewer, Naomi Ackie, Samantha Morton